Design in Mental Health Network

The Iris Murdoch DSDC, Stirling University

The Iris Murdoch DSDC, Stirling University

The Iris Murdoch DSDC (Dementia Services Development Centre) is an international centre of knowledge and expertise dedicated to improving the lives of people with dementia. It has spearheaded the UK wide development of a better understanding of demetia, and also pioneered many new ideas and techniques to improve the standard of care. When the centre decided to revamp their Design & Technology Suite display, they selected the EasyClean system to provide their heating.

Better Bedrooms (I & II) Design in Mental Health Network, Better Bedrooms

Design in Mental Health Network

The Design In Mental Health Network (DIMHN) brings together people involved in mental health environments to collaborate and so improve outcomes. We are confident that when people who use and experience mental healthcare settings come together with those who procure, design and construct them, rewarding opportunities open up to think through the issues and challenges we face in making those environments healing, optimistic and effective places to be.

Better Bedroom I

A sample bedroom has been designed and built in Warrington incorporating innovative features which are currently available for use in a mental health facility. The room has been updated to incorporate the feedback received from the many visitors to the bedroom. The bedroom offers the opportunity to test and try out, suggest alternatives and encourage innovations which we hope will offer commissioners, designers and end users of mental health facilities the opportunity to obtain the best solutions for their own needs. The EasyClean LST system has been fitted into the bedroom to demonstrate it’s suitability for use in Dementia care.

Better Bedroom II

The EasyClean LST system has been selected for installation in Better Bedroom II which will be constructed at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust who has agreed to allow two of the bedrooms to be created within a 10 bed ward refurbishment.

Case Studies


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