Where can I use ThermaSkirt?

Hospitals & Care Homes

Infection control and prevention is a major consideration for those institutions that deal with our most vulnerable and sick. Radiators and their associated covers have been shown to harbor and foster the germs and infections that other resources in the hospital are being expended to prevent. Covers and guards that prevent scalds do little to prevent trip or impact injuries, and often are a source of frustration and inconvenience when they’re removed and laid to one side.

The annual time and cost associated with the deep cleaning of LST radiators is often many times greater than their original cost, and the fact that they still spread virulent infections such as C.Difficile and MRSA via the air movements they create means that ThermaSkirt is rapidly being adopted in the NHS. Many Care Homes appreciate the energy and space saving attributes of ThermaSKirts radiant heating effect, as well as the minimal maintenance.

Being above ground, any concerns about leaks or heating failure which is more and more common in under floor heating over 10 years old is completely obviated, and ThermaSkirts considerably better response times means that clients are neither over or under heated, both of which can add to their distress.


DiscreteHeat Company Limited
1 Victoria Works Industrial Estate
Coal Pit Lane, Atherton
Manchester, M46 0FY

 01942 88 00 60

VAT# 884427392
Company Reg# 5594330 Payment Banner ISO 9001 Logo

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